My new years resolution--ok, Chinese new years resolution--is to try to not buy anything new in the Year of the Rat. Here are my rules, which were inspired by the cool folks at
the Compact.
1) Buy as little as possible new. (medicines, food, and hygiene products don't count, you will be happy to note)
2) Stay away from stores and online shopping. They are just there to tempt you into buying what you do not need.
3) Use Goodwill, craiglist, garage sales, used book sales, to buy things used, when you need them.
4) Recycle as much as possible, and give away things you don't need to Goodwill so that others can use them.
5) Tell people that I am trying this, so that the idea spreads and people start thinking about what their purchasing decisions.
I really like the way the compact folks sum up their reasons for not buying things:
"1) to go beyond recycling in trying to counteract the negative global environmental and socioeconomic impacts of U.S. consumer culture, to resist global corporatism, and to support local businesses, farms, etc; 2) to reduce clutter and waste in our homes (as in trash Compact-er); 3) to simplify our lives (as in Calm-pact)"I have found in the last month that it has been really easy to follow my rules 95% of the time. But I fell off the wagon a couple times:
- new sunglasses from walgreens when I could not find them used
- new suit at outlet mall when I was in a pinch for a client interview
- fabric at Joann's for a sewing project
On the positive side, I have been getting a good response from the people I talk to about my resolution. My mom was really cool and gave me a used sewing tool as part of my birthday gift. My sister and I have a great used clothing exchange. One of my coworkers started shopping at Goodwill.
I will give you a Compact update every few months so you can track my progress. But stay tuned to my blog...I am trying to add new posts on a regular basis now!